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Procedure for lodging complaints

  1. For gearbox complaints, please contact us exclusively via email: [email protected]
  2. To expedite the complaint process, please electronically submit the following documents and information:
    • First and last name, address, email, phone number
    • Copy of the completed warranty card
    • Copy of the purchase confirmation (invoice, receipt)
    • Copy of the invoice confirming assembly and disassembly from the workshop
    • Description of the gearbox problem – what is wrong with the claimed gearbox, what are the symptoms, what no longer works
  3. Please provide the address and pickup date for the gearbox or send it at your own expense to the address provided in the warranty card.
  4. The processing time for complaints is 14 days from the delivery of the gearbox to the company.
  5. All other information has been stored in the terms and conditions.

Please observe the above information and the correct sequence of the individual steps to expedite the complaint process.